TAHA has developed and implemented a cost-effective, environmentally friendly two stage dross process which has removed the need for salt or extra energy.
TAHA’s processing facilities are positioned as close to the client’s furnace as possible to avoid the need to reheat dross. With this rapid, low-energy process, up to 90% of available metal in the dross can be recovered in the first stage. No salt is added during the recovery process so recovered aluminium can be returned immediately to the original furnace without further alloying.
Most of the remaining aluminium in the dross is recovered in a second stage through a meticulous mechanical separation process including the use of a non-ferrous metal separator. Recovered metal is collected, remelted and sold or returned to the cast house. The residual oxides can be used in a variety of downstream product applications to complete TAHA’s zero waste solution.
Taha International Corporation